Leslie Lluvet denies being cast as Lucia in GTA 6

And, just like that, the search for the lead actors and actresses for GTA 6 continues.

With suspense, intrigue, and speculation mounting around Grand Theft Auto VI, the gaming community has taken to sleuthing for clues in every conceivable corner. Recently, all of this rampant speculation has been trained on actress Leslie Lluvet, rumored to play Lucia, one of the game's protagonists. However, amid a flurry of fan messages and persistent rumors, the actress has unequivocally debunked these speculations, leaving fans and theorists once more in the dark.

The Grand Theft Auto franchise, masterminded by Rockstar Games, is known for its close-guarded development process and surprise reveals. The revelation of GTA 6 was not any different. Following the massive leaks from Take-Two in September last year, the game's existence was confirmed. As the rumors swirled, they hinted at a narrative focused around two main protagonists - a male and a female, a set-up reminiscent of a Bonnie and Clyde-type story.

With this morsel of information, the fanbase plunged headlong into the deep waters of speculation, poring over actors' and actresses' resumes in a bid to discern their involvement with the game.

Leslie Lluvet is not Lucia.
by u/mrstupud in GTA6

Eventually, Leslie Lluvet's name was roped into all of this mess after her work on Far Cry 6. But, after much prodding from annoying fans, Lluvet has had enough.

"I'm not Lucia y'all," Lluvet stated emphatically on her personal Instagram account, ending the persistent conjecture.

A similar narrative emerged around Bryan Zampella, with the community positing him as the male protagonist. While Zampella has been more open and playful about the rumors, his overt indulgence in the speculation renders his involvement in the game highly unlikely.

Rockstar probably doesn't want to risk casting someone with previous acting credits - as a lead in a AAA title at that - for GTA 6.

This fan-fueled chase for confirmation on the game's protagonists just proves just how very hungry fans are for more GTA 6 information and the balancing act Rockstar has to perform.

Although if we're being honest, people wouldn't really bother combing over every male and female actor's resume if not for last year's leaks that confirmed the long-standing rumor that GTA 6 will feature the series' first female protagonist.

The only good to come out of this is that Lluvet's denial suggests that they're not under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). By contrast, actors who avoid confirming or denying their involvement, like Bryan Zampella, could potentially be under an NDA, thereby hinting at their potential role in the game.

While we don't blame fans for wanting to find out more about GTA 6, it's best to leave Rockstar to its own devices.

Of course, this is conjecture in itself, as Rockstar usually casts a lesser-known actor in lead roles, meaning that the person playing Lucia could be a completely unknown entity. As fans hold out hope for a slip or official teaser from Rockstar, some argue the pressure on actors and the ensuing speculation is a necessary evil.

Whatever characters we meet and whatever stories unfold in GTA 6, the game is sure to ignite both our consoles and imaginations, much as it has sparked our speculative fervor.

In the end, all fans can do is wait for Rockstar to play their next card.

Whether it’s a teaser, a trailer, or the game itself, it's sure to send shockwaves throughout a community that's already on the edge of its seats as they impatiently await the next chapter in GTA.

For all we care, Rockstar can take all the time it needs with GTA 6.

As for who will step into the shoes of Lucia and her male counterpart, supposedly named Jason, only time – and Rockstar – can tell.


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  1. She denied it a few times yet is still listed on a few different sites.

    Like I said in the other thread, I don't know who or what to believe at this point. There is a good chance she is lying because her contract is keeping her silent on the matter. Do you think Rockstar would be strict with something like this?

  2. She is listed as the voice on a few different sites apparently. I saw people talking about this on a Discord server I am a member of.

  3. Everyone I know was saying it is her. If she is saying it isn't, there is a good chance she isn't the actress behind her voice then. I wish they would tell us who is. It isn't like they would be ruining the game.

  4. @FinalBoss_87,
    Oh right. I remember hearing things with LinkedIn accounts. Could just be people speculating things with no solid evidence. People are hungry for a crumb of knowledge as to what is going on with the game.

  5. @H4ck3r,
    No idea.

    I think there were maybe some LinkedIn ties or something? Seems like a lot of information comes from people searching that platform for connections to Rockstar.

  6. What even started the rumor that she was working for them to begin with? I honestly don't remember at this point. People do like the grasp at straws so am wondering if it was a big nothing burger to begin with.

  7. @FragMaster2000,
    I thought the same thing! LOL Dude so many people are not buying it. She could easily just be saying this cause Rockstar don't want her blabbing about it yet.

  8. I think she is lying. lol

    If I am wrong, then I will admit to it but I for sure think she is playing the role for the game!!

  9. @FinalBoss_87,
    This is what I am assuming. Either she is telling the truth or she is under contract to deny it. She openly came out and said it though herself without someone asking. So I would imagine she is not playing the role.

  10. That is strange. Could they be lying to use about both characters? Like what if Leslie and the other dude are the voice actors and they are just screwing with us? I mean there really isn't anything to gain from this though. Unless the people are under contract not to say anything so they deny it.

  11. So she likely isn't the voice for Lucia... I am wondering if both the voice actors are people we wouldn't even suspect and all the rumors were just people plucking stuff out of thin air. That seems very likely at this point honestly.

Ray Ampoloquio

Ray Ampoloquio // Articles: 168

"Hmm.. nice bike," as soon as he heard those words, Ray was hooked into the world of the GTA games. Since then, he's spent countless hours gangbanging the ballas and hanging out with Roman. He insists that GTA IV is the best Grand Theft Auto title of all time. Let Ray know your thoughts on Twitter or LinkedIn.