GTA: The Trilogy Cheats for Nintendo Switch (GTA 3, San Andreas, Vice City)

GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition brings GTA III, GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas to the Nintendo Switch for the first time in fully remastered form. Discover all the available cheat codes in our complete guide below.

Grand Theft Auto Nintendo Switch Cheats

Cheats are a prime way to squeeze extra hours out of the three Grand Theft Auto titles in the GTA trilogy (GTA 3, GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas), which already contain an immense amount of content on their own. Using these cheat codes is very easy, and this guide will teach you how.

Nintendo Switch Cheats for GTA San Andreas, GTA: Vice City & GTA 3
Anything is possible with cheats in Grand Theft Auto.
  1. Make A New Save

    The first step before diving in is to save your progress, ensuring that you keep your non-cheats and cheats saves separate. This is because using these codes will affect your ability to earn Achievements. Some cheats are also irreversible, so you will need a clean save point to return to.

  2. Select your Cheats

    There are dozens of cheats to choose from, each with different effects and results. To find the codes, take a look at our lists for GTA 3, GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas below.

  3. Enter the Code

    To activate a cheat, enter the relevant button combination on your controller quickly without pausing the game. Claude, Tommy or CJ will react to the control commands in-game as usual, but that is intended. It might mean you need to look out where and when you enter the codes though! It is very important that you press the buttons in the correct order quickly, or the code will not register.

  4. Adjust Controller Layout

    If your cheat entry does not work at first, you might need to adjust your controller layout to the "classic" setting. Or, change it to the "modern" setting if you have it on "classic" already. This can be done under the options menu. Then try to enter the code again.

  5. Successful Activation

    If the cheat has been successfully triggered, a small pop-up should inform you that it is now active.


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Average: 4.5 / 5. Count: 764

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GTA 3 Cheats for Nintendo Switch

The "invisible cars," "speed up time," and "increased gore" cheat codes do not work in the definitive edition of GTA 3 on the Switch.

    This is a brand new cheat code introduced in the definitive edition.

  • Flying Cars: RIGHT, ZR, A, R, ZL, DOWN, L, R
    Like the name says, cars are no longer grounded.

  • NPCs Carry Weapons: ZR, R, X, B, ZL, L, UP, DOWN
    NPCs will become armed, but not automatically hostile. They'll retaliate if attacked, though.

  • NPC Riot: DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, B, R, ZR, ZL, L
    NPCs will become hostile to the player and each other. Permanent.

  • NPCs Attack: DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, B, R, ZR, L, ZL
    NPCs will become hostile to the player only. Permanent.

  • Give All Weapons: ZR, ZR, L, ZR, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP
    You'll get every weapon in the game: the rocket launcher, flame thrower, baseball bat, molotov, grenades, pistol, micro SMG, AK47, M16, shotgun, and sniper rifle.

  • Give $250,000: ZR, ZR, L(2X), LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP
    You instantly get $250,000.

  • Maximum Armor: ZR, ZR, L, ZL, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP
    Armor instantly replenished.

  • Maximum Health: ZR, ZR, L, R, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP
    HP instantly replenished.

  • Cloudy Weather: L, ZL, R, ZR, ZR, R, ZL, Y
    Changes the weather to cloudy.

  • Rainy Weather: L, ZL, R, ZR, ZR, R, ZL, A
    Changes the weather to rainy.

  • Foggy Weather: L, ZL, R, ZR, ZR, R, ZL, B
    Changes weather to very foggy.

  • Clear Weather: L, ZL, R, ZR, ZR, R, ZL, X
    Changes the weather to sunny / clear.

  • Decrease Wanted Level: ZR, ZR, L, ZR, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN
    Decreases your wanted rating by one.

  • Increase Wanted Level: ZR(2X), L, ZR, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
    Increases your wanted rating by one.

  • Auto-Explode Cars: ZL, ZR, L, R, ZL, ZR, X, Y, A, X, LT, L
    Instantly blows up nearby vehicles.

  • Toggle Character Skin: RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, L, ZL, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT
    Cycles through various NPC character models.

  • Better Handling: R, L, ZR, L, LEFT, R(2X), X
    Makes cars easier to drive and handle.

  • Faster Gameplay: X, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, Y, L, ZL
    Gameplay is sped up.

  • Slower Gameplay: X, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, Y, R, ZR
    Gameplay is slowed down.

  • Spawn Tank: A(6X), R, ZL, L, X, A, X
    Spawns a tank directly in front of the player.

  • Vehicle Jump: R, L, ZR, L, LEFT, R, R, X
    Make your vehicle jump. Press L3 to jump when inside a vehicle.

GTA: Vice City Cheats for Nintendo Switch

The "invisible cars" cheat code does not work in GTA Vice City for the Switch. Also, remember that if your cheat code doesn't work at first, switch between the "classic" and "modern" controller layout settings, or simply press the button combination faster.

    Big head mode is a new cheat in the definitive edition.

  • Weapon Set 1: R, ZR, L, ZR, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP
    These are the included weapons: brass knuckles, flame thrower, baseball bat, molotov, pistol, TEC-9, Kruger, shotgun, and sniper rifle.

    These are the included weapons: rocket launcher, katana, remote grenades, .357, MAC, M4, stubby shotgun, and .308 sniper.

    These are the included weapons: minigun, chainsaw, grenades, .357, MP, M4, SPAS 12, and .308 sniper.

  • Full Health: R, ZR, L, A, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP
    Get instant full health.

    Get instant full armor.

  • Ladies' Man: A, B, L, L, ZR, B, B, A, X
    All the female pedestrians will follow Tommy around.

  • Increase Wanted Level: R, R, A, ZR, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
    Increase your wanted level by one.

  • Lower Wanted Level: R, R, A, ZR, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN
    Decrease your wanted level by one.

  • Suicide: RIGHT, ZL, DOWN, R, LEFT, LEFT, R, L, ZL, L
    Tommy will die immediately.

  • Fast Mode: X, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, ZL, L, Y
    Overall gameplay speed is increased.

  • Slow Mode: X, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, Y, ZR, R
    Overall gameplay speed is decreased.

  • Spawn Tank: A, A, L, A, A, A, L, ZL, R, X, A, X
    Spawns the Rhino, an armored tank.

  • Spawn Bloodring Banger: UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, L, RIGHT, UP, Y, ZL
    Spawns the Bloodring Banger.

  • Spawn Alt Bloodring Banger: DOWN, R, A, ZL, ZL, B, R, L, LEFT, LEFT
    Spawns the alternative version of the Bloodring Banger.

  • Spawn Sabre Turbo: RIGHT, ZL, DOWN, ZL, ZL, B, R, L, A, LEFT
    Spawns a Sabre Turbo vehicle, a sports car.

  • Spawn Hotring Racer: R, A, ZR, RIGHT, L, ZL, B, B, Y, R
    Spawns the the Hotring Racer.

  • Spawn Alt Hotring Racer: ZR, L, B, RIGHT, L, R, RIGHT, UP, A, ZR
    Spawns the alternative variant of the Hotring Racer.

  • Spawn Hearse: DOWN, ZR, DOWN, R, ZL, LEFT, R, L, LEFT, RIGHT
    Spawns Romero's hearse.

  • Spawn Limo: ZR, UP, ZL, LEFT, LEFT, R, L, A, RIGHT
    Spawns the Love Fist limousine.

  • Spawn Trashmaster: A, R, A, R, LEFT, LEFT, R, L, A, RIGHT
    Spawns a Trashmaster vehicle, a garbage truck.

  • Spawn Caddie: A, L, UP, R, ZL, B, R, L, A, B
    Spawns a Caddie, which is a golf cart.

    Will randomly change Tommy's current outfit clothes.

  • Ricardo Skin: L, ZL, R, ZR, DOWN, L, ZR, ZL
    Changes your player skin that of Ricardo Diaz.

  • Lance Skin: A, ZL, LEFT, B, R, L, B, L
    Changes your player skin that of Lance Vance.

  • Ken Skin: RIGHT, L, UP, ZL, L, RIGHT, R, L, B, R
    Changes your player skin that of Ken Rosenberg.

  • Hilary Skin: R, A, ZR, L, RIGHT, R, L, B, ZR
    Changes your player skin that of Hilary King.

  • Jezz Skin: DOWN, L, DOWN, ZL, LEFT, B, R, L, B, B
    Changes your player skin that of Jezz Torent.

  • Dick Skin: R, ZL, ZR, L, RIGHT, ZR, LEFT, B, Y, L
    Changes your player skin that of Dick (from Love Fist).

  • Phil Skin: RIGHT, R, UP, ZR, L, RIGHT, R, L ,RIGHT, A
    Changes your player skin that of Phil Cassidy.

  • Sonny Skin: A, L, A, ZL, LEFT, B, R, L, B, B
    Changes your player skin that of onny Forelli.

  • Mercedes Skin: ZR, L, UP, L, RIGHT, R, RIGHT, UP, A, X
    Changes your player skin that of Mercedes Cortez.

  • Candy Skin: A, ZR, DOWN, R, LEFT, RIGHT, R, L, B, ZL
    Changes your player skin that of Candy Suxxx.

  • Red Leather Skin: RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, UP, L, ZL, LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT
    Changes your player skin that of Red Leather.

  • Proximity Explosion: ZR, ZL, R, L, ZL, ZR, Y, X, A, X, ZL, L
    All vehicles close to Tommy will blow up.

  • Road Rage: ZR, A, R, ZL, LEFT, R, L, ZR, ZL
    All NPC drivers will try to run you over with their cars.

  • Pink Cars: A, L, DOWN, ZL, LEFT, B, R, L, RIGHT, A
    All vehicles in the game turn pink in color.

  • Black Cars: A, ZL, UP, R, LEFT, B, R, L, LEFT, A
    All vehicles in the game turn black in color.

  • Flying Vehicles: RIGHT, ZR, A, R, ZL, DOWN, L, R
    Vehicles are no longer restrained by the laws of gravity.

  • Handling Buff: X, R, R, LEFT, R, L, ZR, L
    Vehicles become easier to drive, turn, etc.

  • Amphibious Cars: RIGHT, ZR, A, R, ZL, Y, R, ZR
    Cars can essentially turn into boats, driving on water.

  • Quick Clock: A, A, L, Y, L, Y (3X), L, X, A, X
    In-game time will pass more quickly.

  • Riot: DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, B, ZR, R, ZL, L
    All NPCs will become aggressive to one another and also you. This cannot be reversed.

  • Hostile PEDs: DOWN, UP, UP, UP, B, ZR, R, ZL, ZL
    NAll NPCs will become aggressive to you. This cannot be reversed.

  • Armed PEDs: ZR, R, B, X, B, X, UP, DOWN
    NPCs will be armed with weapons, but not aggressive unless provoked.

  • Armed Female PEDs: RIGHT, L, A, ZL, LEFT, B, R, L, L, B
    All female NPCs will be armed with weapons, but not aggressive unless provoked.

  • Cloudy Weather: ZR, B, L, L, ZL (3X), Y
    Cloudy in-game weather arrives.

  • Rainy Weather: ZR, B, L, L, ZL (3X), A
    Rainy in-game weather arrives.

  • Foggy Weather: ZR, B, L, L, ZL (3X), B
    Foggy in-game weather arrives.

  • Clear Weather: ZR, B, L, L, ZL (3X), DOWN
    Sunny in-game weather arrives.

GTA San Andreas Cheats for Nintendo Switch

For technical reasons, Rockstar Games removed various cheat codes from the Switch remastered version of GTA: San Andreas included in GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition. If you cannot get a cheat to work, remember you must press the relevant buttons very quickly in the correct order. You can also try switching controller schemes between "classic" and "modern" under settings.

Player Cheats

    Big head mode is new and exclusive to the definitive edition.

  • Slow Down Gameplay: X, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, Y, ZR, R
    Slows down all aspects of gameplay.

  • Time Passes Faster: A, A, L, X, L, X, Y, Y, L, X, A, X
    In-game time will pass more quickly.

  • Fast Gameplay: X, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, ZL, L, Y
    Speeds up all aspects of gameplay.

  • $250,000, Full Health, and Full Armor: R, ZR, L, B, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP
    Grants what the name says and also repairs your vehicle (if you're in one).

  • Super Jump: UP, UP, X, X, UP, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, Y, ZR, ZR
    You can jump very high.

  • Super Punch: UP, LEFT, B, X, R, A, A, A, ZL
    You melee attacks become much more powerful, as do those of PEDs.

  • Suicide: RIGHT, ZL, DOWN, R, LEFT, LEFT, R, L, ZL, L
    CJ will instantly die. The infinite health cheat will stop this cheat from working though.

  • Hitman: DOWN, Y, B, LEFT, R, ZR, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, L, L, L
    You rise to Hitman level in weapons.

  • Lock Wanted Level: A, RIGHT, A, RIGHT, LEFT, Y, X, UP
    Your wanted level won't change no matter what you do.

  • Lower Wanted Level: R, R, A, ZR, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN
    Removes your wanted level completely.

  • Raise Wanted Level: R, R, A, ZR, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT
    Adds two stars to your wanted level.

  • Six-Star Wanted Level: A, RIGHT, A, RIGHT, LEFT, Y, B, DOWN
    Your wanted level instantly jumps to six stars.

  • Maximum Fat: X, UP ,UP, LEFT, RIGHT, Y, A, DOWN
    CJ gets as fat as possible.

  • Maximum Muscle: X, UP, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, Y, A, LEFT
    CJ gains as much muscle as possible.

  • Minimum Fat and Muscle: X, UP, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, Y, A, RIGHT
    CJ loses the most fat and muscle possible.

  • Maximum Respect: L, R, X, DOWN, ZR, B, L, UP, ZL, ZL, L, L
    Instant max respect.

  • Maximum Sex Appeal: A, X, X, UP, A, R, ZL, UP, X, L, L, L
    Full attractiveness stat.

  • Maximum Stamina: UP, A, X, B, X, B, Y, ZR, RIGHT
    Full stamina stat.

  • Maximum Vehicle Skill Stats: Y, ZL, B, R, ZL, ZL, LEFT, R, RIGHT, L, L, L
    Full vehicle skill stats.

  • Infinite Lung Capacity: DOWN, LEFT, L, DOWN, DOWN, ZR, DOWN, ZL, DOWN
    Scuba dive without scuba gear.

  • Spawn Jetpack: L, ZL, R, ZR, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, L, ZL, R, ZR, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT
    CJ gets a jetpack to use.

  • Spawn Parachute: LEFT, RIGHT, L, ZL, R, ZR, ZR, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, L
    CJ gets a parachute to deploy.

  • Infinite Ammo: L, R, Y, R, LEFT, ZR, R, LEFT, Y, DOWN, L, L
    You'll get infinite ammo, but PEDs will too, so be careful in shoot outs.

  • Give Weapons 1: R, ZR, L, ZR, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP
    Brass knuckles, baseball bat, 9mm, shotgun, Micro SMG, AK-47, Rifle, rocket launcher, molotov cocktail, and spray paint.

  • Give Weapons 2: R, ZR, L, ZR, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT
    Knife, desert eagle, sawn-off shotgun, TEC 9, M4 Carbine, sniper rifle, flamethrower, fire extinguisher, and grenades.

  • Give Weapons 3: R, ZR, L, ZR, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT , DOWN, DOWN, DOWN
    Chainsaw, silenced 9mm, SPAS 12, MP5, M4 Carbine, sniper rifle, heat-seeking rocket launcher, and satchel bomb.

There is no invincibility or infinite health cheat code for San Andreas on Switch.

Vehicle Cheats

  • All Cars Have Nitrous Oxide Systems: LEFT, X, R, L, UP, Y, X, DOWN, A, ZL, L, L
    Every car will have nitro equipped.

  • Give Taxis Nitrous and Hydraulics: UP, B, X, B, X, B, Y, ZR, RIGHT
    Taxis only have nitro, and can jump when you toot the horn.

  • Destroy All Cars: ZR, ZL, R, L, ZL, ZR, Y, X, A, X, ZL, L
    All cars in close range will be destroyed.

  • Flying Boats: ZR, A, UP, L, RIGHT, R, RIGHT, UP, Y, X
    Boats can fly in the air.

  • Flying Cars: UP, DOWN, L, R, L, RIGHT, LEFT, L, LEFT
    Cars can fly in the air.

  • Cars Drive on Water: RIGHT, ZR, A, R, ZL, Y, R, ZR
    Just like boats, cars can go on water.

  • Increase Car Speed: UP, L, R, UP, RIGHT, UP, B, ZL, B, L
    Car speeds will be increased.

  • Perfect Handling: X, R, R, LEFT, R, L, ZR, L
    Vehicles will become much easier to steer and drive.

  • Your Car is Invincible: L, ZL, ZL, UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, R, ZR, ZR
    Your car is impossible to destroy, and will destroy other cars with a slight touch.

  • Bike Super Jump: X, Y, A, A, Y, A, A, L, ZL, ZL, R, ZR
    When on a bicycle you can jump 100" into the air.

  • Spawn Bloodring Banger: DOWN, R, A, ZL, ZL, B, R, L, LEFT, LEFT
    The Bloodring Banger will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Caddy: A, L, Up, R, ZL, B, R, L, A, B
    The Caddy will be spawned next you, the game's version of a Cadillac.

  • Spawn Dozer: ZR, L, L, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, B, L, LEFT
    The Dozer will be spawned next you, the game's buzzdozer.

  • Spawn Hunter: A, B, L, A, A, L, A, R, ZR, ZL, L, L
    The Hunter helicopter will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Hydra: X, X, Y, A, B, L, L, DOWN, UP
    The Hydra jet will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Monster: RIGHT, UP, R, R, R, DOWN, X, X, B, A, L, L
    The Monster monster truck will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Quadbike: LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, Y, A, X, R, ZR
    A quadbike will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Hotring Racer 1: R, A, ZR, Right, L, ZL, B, B, Y, R
    The A variant of the Hotring Racer will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Hotring Racer 2: ZR, L, A, RIGHT, L, R, RIGHT, UP, A, ZR
    The B variant of the Hotring Racer will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Rancher: UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, L, RIGHT, UP, Y, ZL
    The Rancher, an SUV, will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Rhino: A, A, L, A, A, A, L, ZL, R, X, A, X
    The Rhino, a tank, will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Romero: DOWN, ZR, DOWN, R, ZL, LEFT, R, L, LEFT, RIGHT
    The Romero, a hearse, will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Stretch: ZR, UP, ZL, LEFT, LEFT, R, L, A, RIGHT
    A stretch limo will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Stunt Plane: A, UP, L, ZL, DOWN, R, L, L, LEFT, LEFT, B, X
    A stunt plane will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Tanker: R, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, ZR, UP, RIGHT, Y, RIGHT, ZL, L, L
    A tanker with an attached trailer will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Trashmaster: A, R, A, R, LEFT, LEFT, R, L, A, RIGHT
    The Trashmaster, a garbage truck, will be spawned next you.

  • Spawn Vortex: X, X, Y, A, B, L, ZL, DOWN, DOWN
    The Vortex, a hovercraft, will be spawned next you.

Pedestrian Cheats

  • Aggressive Drivers / Traffic: ZR, A, R, ZL, LEFT, R, L, ZR, ZL
    All other drivers will become much more aggressive towards you.

  • All Traffic Vehicles are Junk Cars: ZL, RIGHT, L, UP, B, L, ZL, ZR, R, L, L, L
    All cars in traffic turn to junk cars.

  • All Traffic Vehicles are Black: A, ZL, UP, R, LEFT, B, R, L, LEFT, A
    All cars in traffic turn black.

  • All Traffic Vehicles are Pink: A, L, DOWN, ZL, LEFT, B, R, L, RIGHT, A
    All cars in traffic turn pink.

  • All Traffic Vehicles are Rural: X, LEFT, Y, ZR, UP, ZL, DOWN, L, B, L, L, L
    All cars in traffic turn to farm vehicles.

  • All Traffic Vehicles are Sports Cars: RIGHT, R, UP, ZL, ZL, LEFT, R, L, R, R
    All cars in traffic turn to sports cars.

  • Beach Party Theme: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, Y, A, L, R, X, DOWN
    Cars turn into beach cars, PEDs will bikinis and CJ is in summer gear.

  • Carnival Theme: X, X, L, Y, Y, A, Y, DOWN, A
    Cars turn into either Pizza Boy, BF Injection, Hotknife, Tug, Quad, or Hotdog cars, PEDs are either clowns or fast food workers and CJ is a clown.

  • Elvis Theme: L, A, X, L, L, Y, ZL, UP, DOWN, LEFT
    All PEDs turn into Elvis.

  • Pedestrians Have Weapons: ZR, R, B, X, B, X, UP, DOWN
    All PEDs are armed with lethal weapons.

  • Pedestrian Wars: ZL, RIGHT, L, X, RIGHT, RIGHT, R, L, RIGHT, L, L, L
    All PEDs begin fighting with one another.

  • Pedestrian Riot: DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, B, ZR, R, ZL, L
    PEDs will begin rioting. Note this can make the game unplayable.

  • Pedestrians Attack 1: DOWN, UP, UP, UP, B, ZR, R, ZL, ZL
    PEDs will attempt to attack you, and will be armed with rocket launchers.

  • Pedestrians Attack 2: B, L, UP, Y, DOWN, B, ZL, X, DOWN, R, L, L
    PEDs will attempt to attack you, and will be armed with firearms.

  • No Pedestrians and Low Traffic: B, DOWN, UP, ZR, DOWN, X, L, X, LEFT
    Very little traffic will be on the roads and no pedestrians around.

Gang Cheats

  • Only Gangs in Streets: ZL, UP, R, R, LEFT, R, R, ZR, RIGHT, DOWN
    Only gang members walk around in the streets. Cops don't exist.

  • Recruit Anyone 1: DOWN, Y, UP, ZR, ZR, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP
    Recruit anyone to your gang and they will possess a 9mm pistol.

World Effect Cheats

  • Always 21:00 With Orange Sky: LEFT, LEFT, ZL, R, RIGHT, Y, Y, L, ZL, B
    The in-game time is stuck at 9pm and the sky is orange as the sun goes down.

  • Time Always Midnight: ZR, B, L, L, ZL, ZL, ZL, X
    The time is stuck to midnight.

  • Cloudy: ZL, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, Y, LEFT, ZR, Y, B, R, L, L
    The weather turns to cloudy.

  • Sandstorm: UP, DOWN, L, L, ZL, ZL, L, ZL, R, ZR
    A sandstorm lands.

  • Stormy: ZR, B, L, L, ZL, ZL, ZL, A
    The weather turns to stormy.

  • Foggy: ZR, B, L, L, ZL, ZL, ZL, B
    The weather turns to foggy.

  • Very Sunny: ZR, B, L, L, ZL, ZL, ZL, DOWN
    The weather turns to very sunny.

Frequently Asked Questions

Were any new cheats added in the Nintendo Switch version of GTA San Andreas, Vice City and GTA 3?

Yes, a big head mode was added. It is based on the original Konami cheat code and is activated with the following button combination: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT RIGHT, LEFT RIGHT, A, B.

Does using cheats stop me from earning Achievements?

Yes. Always save your progress before using cheat codes and then return to that save game when you're finished.

Why won't my cheat code activate?

Trying selecting the "classic" controller scheme under the settings menu of the game. If you are already on "classic" then try "modern." Also make sure you are pressing the required button combination quickly.

Why aren't GTA: San Andreas weapon cheat codes working for me?

Make sure you are using "ZR" twice in the cheat codes. People tend to mistake the second occurrence of ZR as ZL.

Were some cheat removed from the remastered Switch version of GTA San Andreas?

Yes, certain cheat codes were removed for technical reasons: Adrenaline, CJ Never Becomes Hungry, Infinite Health / Invincibility, Cars Float Away When Hit, Invisible Cars, Vehicle Gun Aiming, Kinky Theme, Yakuza Theme, Fast Gang Member Spawns, Recruit Anyone 2, and Sunny Weather.

Is this the first time that a Grand Theft Auto game has been available on a Nintendo device?

No, Grand Theft Auto I and II were available on the Game Boy Color, while Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is available on the Nintendo DS.

When was Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy released?

November 11, 2021.

Do the cheats in the Switch version of the GTA games work the same as other platforms like PlayStation and Xbox?

Yes, apart from the button combination differences, the cheats function exactly the same.
Were any new cheats added in the Nintendo Switch version of GTA San Andreas, Vice City and GTA 3? Yes, a big head mode was added. It is based on the original Konami cheat code and is activated with the following button combination: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT RIGHT, LEFT RIGHT, A, B.


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  1. @Hassan,
    I am going to just keep an eye out for a sale. I don't need anything else to play at the moment anyways. I have a lot of options and hardly touch anything as is.

  2. @EliteGamer,
    Nope. But if you are settled on waiting for a sale, I get it. A lot of people have expressed it being to high a cost for older games.

  3. @Hassan,
    Yeah, I am going to do that. Like I don't mind spending $50 for a game but these are dated titles. If I am going to buy older games, I don't want to be spending a lot of money.

  4. @kingOf0,
    That is fair. I mean I don't expect them to be groundbreaking. They are still going to be the same games. I just didn't know if the cost justified it or not. I don't know if/when these will go on sale either. I might wait for that and see.

  5. @EliteGamer,
    It's pretty decent if you want to jump in with an open-mind. Unfortunately, it got a bad rep because of what players' expectations. They expected a complete remastered version of these games. But, the games are simply a remake with slight visual improvements (for the most part). If you want to relive the classics with a bit more fidelity but almost exactly the same gameplay (with slight QoL updates), I'd say its decent purchase.

  6. Is this collection worth the $50? I was thinking of getting it but if it is buggy or not properly remastered, I feel like that is a lot of money to drop on older titles. I have been wanting to play them though and I would rather play them on Switch than messing with roms. Glad to see there are cheats that will work too.

  7. I just got this on the Switch. Going to bookmark the article. It has been a long time since I played the classics but was in the mood for it. Perfect timing to be stumbling on this. I gotta say Nintendo did a decent job remastering them from what I have seen thus far.

Aron Gerencser

Aron Gerencser // Articles: 900

In the site's early beginnings, Aron was responsible for the bulk of the news posts that you'd find on GTA BOOM each and every day. He loves getting involved with the community and is an avid fan of all things Rockstar Games. Since then, Aron has become an editor across all the content that is posted on GTA BOOM. His journey with the franchise began with GTA 2 back when it was new (all the way back in 1999), and he was a gamer even before then. Graduating summa cum laude from Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi with a BA in Media Production, Aron has been a game journalist since 2014. When not writing, editing or playing, Aron is building models which you can find on Instagram and Facebook.